Dear education workers at Sudbury Catholic District School Board:


When you join CUPE you have:

  • More power to win annual wage increases, benefits, and job security
  • Fair and transparent job posting and hiring process
  • The ability to negotiate a collective agreement, which means the school board cannot arbitrarily change your working conditions
  • A process to address problems at work, and the power of a union to win solutions

CUPE represents the majority of education workers in Ontario, with thousands of Educational Assistants, Early Childhood Educators, Office, Clerical & Technical employees, and professional staff. At Sudbury Catholic DSB, all of the non-union workers, with the exception of management, can join CUPE. This includes Educational Assistants, ECEs, secretaries, chaplains, lunch monitors, and supply workers.

There are many advantages to being a member of CUPE, a strong, democratic union. One of the biggest is never having to face your employer alone.

A union is YOU and your CO-WORKERS coming together to improve your working conditions. Together with your co-workers you will have the ability to decide what aspects of your job need to change for the better. A company contract is not a collective bargaining agreement because the employer can change the terms and conditions of employment anytime.